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Juanan Herrera

Freeride Athlete

Name: Juanan Herrera
Date of birth: November 29, 1991
Current Location: Córdoba (Spain)
Skating Since: 2008
Current Skate Setup: RB 80

Explain the feeling you had the first time you put on skates.
Wooh! This is better than walking!

What is your inspiration to keep skating?
Enjoy, share good times with friends on skates, know new places and surpass yourself.

We truly believe skating makes a better world. How do you think skating makes the world a better place?
Happy people for the good feeling of rolling, sport progression, and less pollution.

How do you keep progressing and reinventing yourself?
A good workout and let everything flow. There are days of more risky tricks and other more technical days. Watching videos gives good ideas and can help a lot.

What’s the most helpful tip you want to share with any skater?
Flex your knees a bit to skate, you will have better stability.

Imagine a world filled with animals who can skate. If you could be any of those animals what would you be and why?
Can you imagine a centipede skating? Hahaha It would be fun, but I would choose to be a cat for its incredible agility.