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Matteo Barison

Speed Team Athlete

Name: Matteo Barison
Date of birth: 01/01/2001
Current Location: Spinea Italy

Skating Since: 2004
Current Skate Setup: Mariani Rollerblade® Custom Boots – Rival Frame 12,8/3x125 – Wheels Hydrogen Pro 125 XX-Firm – Bearing Twincam ILQ-9


Explain the feeling you had the first time you put on skates.
I was very young and everything was a game for me, but I remember a feeling of freedom; the possibility to go around quickly and alone!

What is your inspiration to keep skating?
The love for speed and to be faster than a motocycle, but also stay with my mates, go around and live new experiences


We truly believe skating makes a better world. How do you think skating makes the world a better place?
Because skating doesn’t need anything but yourself. Skaters need only a pair of skates and a helmet: no pollution…. and at the end we are all more healthy.

How do you keep progressing and reinventing yourself?
I try to find always new challanges and overcome my limits. Sometimes it's really hard, but then I put on my skates and everything is fantastic again.

What’s the most helpful tip you want to share with any skater?
You have to learn to know yourself so you can be best. Eat and drink enough is something to never forget if you want to skate long distances. Above all I want to say…  keep going, keep growing!

Imagine a world filled with animals who can skate. If you could be any of those animals what would you be and why?
I would be a panther: fast and agile, a killer, hard to see and to follow


Instagram: matteo_barison_