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Maxime Genoud

Freeride / Street Athlete

Name: Maxime Genoud
Date of birth: July 25, 1992
Current Location: Vevey / Lausanne, Switzerland
Skating Since: 2004

Current Skate Setup: Blank SK and Lightning 90

Explain the feeling you had the first time you put on skates.
I don’t remember it actually. I was born in the 90’s and grew up in a city where skating was super popular. I tried it with cheap skates for kids with hard plastic wheels and no bearings. According to my mother I was super frustrated not being able to go as fast as I wanted.

But now it’s a different story!

What is your inspiration to keep skating?
Keeping my mind and body young and pushing myself.

We truly believe skating makes a better world. How do you think skating makes the world a better place?
Put somebody on skates. He or she will smile!   It creates connections!

How do you keep progressing and reinventing yourself?
There’s always a move you’re not comfortable with. Trying to improve those moves are the key, and never loose the fun in it!

What’s the most helpful tip you want to share with any skater?
Don’t be afraid to miss a trick, you’ll never learn without failure. This can also apply to your life!

Imagine a world filled with animals who can skate. If you could be any of those animals what would you be and why?
Monkey! Watch Tarzan and you’ll understand!
