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Cameron Talbott

Street Athlete

Cameron is from San Francisco, California. He has inline skating running through his veins. With an incredible amount of control, he makes inline skating look so good. He brings good vibes to every session.


Name:  Cameron Talbott
Date of birth: April 26, 1986
Current Location: San Francisco, California
Skating Since: 1998
Current Skate Setup: Blank Team set up with 60mm Hydrogen wheels

Explain the feeling you had the first time you put on skates.

Unlimited possibilities.

What is your inspiration to keep skating?
My friends; watching my friends push themselves and be creative makes me want to get out and do the same. 

We truly believe skating makes a better world. How do you think skating makes the world a better place?
I think it’s a healthy balance of physical and mental stimulation that can contribute to our general well being, often making us happy and upbeat. Happy people, happy world.

How do you keep progressing and reinventing yourself?
I think it’s all part of the process when it comes to something your passionate about. As years go by skating becomes more of an extension of who you are. It becomes more of a mental activity than physical. And within the mind lies endless possibilities. It’s just a matter of getting mind and body on the same page.

What’s the most helpful tip you want to share with any skater?
Just have fun and don’t worry about what others are doing. Just do you!

Imagine a world filled with animals who can skate. If you could be any of those animals what would you be and why?
Flying Squirrel for sure. You can climb, fly, and run but with blades on!
