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Kevin Chow

Name: Kevin James Chow
Date of birth: 12/12/1979
Current Location: Toronto, Ontario CANADA
Skating Since: 1991
Current Skate Setups:

1. Freeskate - Rollerblade Twister XT boots with Overdrive 90mm frames and 90mm Hydrogen SE wheels (of course with ILQ-9 Classics) 

2. Aggressive - Pigeon grey Blank Team skate with black soul plates and Blank TB64 frames with ILQ-9 Classics and Hydrogen 64mm wheels

3. Marathon - Stock Rollerblade E3 Pro 125 with no cuffs

Explain the feeling you had the first time you put on skates.

I remember the day vividly - it was the summer of 1991 and our family friends just brought inline skates back from a holiday in North Carolina. I was already playing ice hockey so I knew how to ice skate, but putting these on outside, in the summertime instead of bundled up with equipment on cold ice - it immediately opened up my world to unlimited freedom and it was the closest thing I could imagine that flying could feel like. I was instantly hooked and since then I haven’t taken blades off my feet. 

What is your inspiration to keep skating?

I continue to skate in various different ways as an outlet for creativity, to relieve stress, to feel fully present in the moment and to continually push myself to achieve my personal skating goals. Skating helps to keep my mind clear and my emotions in check so I can be a loving, caring spouse and father.


We truly believe skating makes a better world. How do you think skating makes the world a better place?

The beauty of skating is that it isn’t just in one place - it’s worldwide. These funny little boots with wheels under your feet can connect you with so many different people, places, cultures and really open your own personal world view to show you a whole other perspective on life. Plus, you get to go as fast or as slow as you want!


How do you keep progressing and reinventing yourself?

I started my inline skating journey as a child just exploring my neighborhood, learning how to become an independent person. In my teens I got really into aggressive skating, which then became my identity and the only type of skating I connected with. 

As I’ve travelled and gotten older, I’ve now expanded my idea of what I can and should do on blades to include roller hockey, free skating, fitness and even marathon skating. I want to continue to push my limits, get clips and keep active well into adulthood. 


What’s the most helpful tip you want to share with any skater? 

You WILL fall down, so just remember to get back up and don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends. 


Imagine a world filled with animals who can skate. If you could be any of those animals what would you be and why?

I could only see myself as a skating cheetah because of their low center of gravity, their cool looking spotted outfits and if they’re already the fastest land animals on the planet, imagine how fast they could go on some Rollerblade?!?! 


Instagram: @chowsa